Organize all of your financial information in one place. Create a personal balance sheet. Securely view investments, retirement accounts, checking and savings accounts, mortgage statements, student loans, credit cards, and more from any of your financial institutions.
Sync your accounts to get an up-to-date view of your full financial picture. Track your spending patterns, evaluate your net worth, and compare assets and liabilities.
Analyze your investment performance in real time. Take a deep dive into how and where your assets are allocated. Complete a risk profile to align your holdings with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.
Better understand the financial markets and the companies you're invested in with timely market news and updates, as well as free in-depth research reports from Stifel's nationally recognized research analysts.
As you explore your financial situation, you're bound to have questions. Am I on the right track? What more could I be doing? Do I need a comprehensive plan? Whenever you need it, sound advice from an experienced Stifel financial advisor is just a call or click away.
We built Stifel Wealth Tracker to put you in control of your financial life and data. Your personal data belongs to you; and it is only valuable to us as the foundation of a trusting relationship. We believe the best way to earn your trust is to give you control over the data you provide and secure it while we hold it.
Keeping your information secure is our top priority.
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